“I’m officially a columnist!”

My first official column, Ask Sharon is out today in Griffith's paper, The Area News. Each week I'll be answering questions with readings as an Angel Intuitive.

My first official column.

Following is a copy of the text from the column featured in The Area News today for easy reading 🙂

Ask Sharon

ARE you looking for a little guidance in the lead up to Christmas? Sharon Halliday, a new Griffith resident, is a Certified Angel Intuitive who offers oracle and angel card readings.

The cards are a lighthearted and playful approach to receiving guidance – and we can all do with a bit of that at times in our lives. Yet they can also have a powerful effect and it is always positive.

The guidance can cover a range of subjects, from relationships to attracting more abundance, to healthy lifestyle changes and discovering your life purpose. Whichever cards are drawn, they are always relevant and accurate. At times, the card readings I have carried out for myself have taken me from utter despair to hopeful and empowered. It is not about placing power outside of one’s self but rather having trust that we are always being guided in the right direction – angel and oracle cards can make that an enjoyable process.

We all have the innate ability to use our intuition. Those gut feelings and inner nudges we receive from within are often guiding us toward something or away from something for our greatest good. When it comes to conducting card readings, I have simply learned to tune-in and trust my feelings to guide the cards and the answers people are seeking. While I can appreciate my personal ability to carry out the card readings, I see it as being no different to someone who is good at their job.

Ask anyone on the street “How are you?” and most people will respond with “busy”, yet, we all have had that feeling or question of whether busy is actually living.

Those thoughts of “Is this all there is?” can cause us to wonder if what we are doing day by day has meaning. We all want to know that “there is a light at the end of the tunnel” of whatever we are experiencing in our lives.

As a recovering workaholic, I have turned my attention inwards. While I have always wondered about the mystery of life, my desire is to live to my fullest potential, live my best life – not next year or when the kids go to school, but right now. I have discovered that we all want the same thing: love, harmonious relationships, abundance, peace and fulfillment.

We all have similar questions and sometimes we seek the answers by looking outside of ourselves. We all have all the answers within and card readings are a way to access those answers.

The most common questions people ask from card readings are:
  • How can I experience more joy and happiness in my life?
  • How can I lose weight/relax/feel good about myself?
  • How can I attract more money (abundance)?
  • Am I in the right job or career?
  • What is my purpose in life?
  • What do I need to know right now?
  • And then there’s the big one: “What is the meaning of life?”

Our essence, our Spirit, our True Self and the Universe is communicating with us all the time. When you find a coin or feather, witness the beauty of a rainbow, see repetitive numbers – they are all messages. It is all about helping you move in the direction of your dreams and higher purpose –your destiny. We have come to experience joy, beauty, love and peace – not struggle, despair, or discontentment. Angel and oracle cards are another way the Universe can communicate with you – if you are open – if you are ready.

Each week, locals have the opportunity to submit a question for me to tune into and receive guidance from the cards. Email your question to editor@areanews.com.au

Oracle Cards from Doreen Virtue's Life Purpose deck is all about being able to discern answers and guidance for yourself and others.

Oracle Cards image is copyright to Doreen Virtue 2011 and features in her Life Purpose deck.

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