Done is 2021, New is 2022 – free audio to help you reflect, release, and renew


How will you look back on 2021? Will it be overshadowed by the negative energy of Covid-19 or will you find glimmers of positivity…maybe you’ll even recognise something in the order of inner growth? As I reflected on the past 12 months, it occurred to me that I had some giant moments. The sh!t show […]

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“I’ve officially published my own book!”

Sharon Halliday is elated with her debut book, Messages from the Heart.

It’s a distinct smell when you have in your hands a freshly printed copy of a new book. When you fan the pages and think for a moment of the enthralling words that are going to leap off them and into your brain. But on this day it was more of a fragrance. The book smelt […]

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