As I attempted to write and re-write, this section of the blog, I was drawn to the message to me hand written in the front of Elaine Croker’s book Standing in the Now: Releasing Karmic Law by the lady herself. Every time I read it, I have an emotional response, one of gratitude for her and her Spirit in relaying that message to me and a knowing that this one phrase epitomises my Soul’s purpose, and it is that:
“Wonders of life are when you stand in the now and enjoy being you.”
And so without further ado I will introduce you to me – your blogger.
About Me (the details)
I wanted to resist the urge to do the whole ‘about me’ as an identified self, you know details such as age, gender, occupation etc. I would much rather discuss matters of the ‘big picture’ kind, like why I believe we are all here at this point in time – the meaning of life – if you will. However, I realise that to some people, those ‘about me’ details are important for them to connect. And that is precisely the reason I am doing this blog, to connect with you.

Podcaster, book coach and bestselling author Sharon Halliday finds meaning in helping others find meaning
So I AM:
A 39 year old mother to two (a 4-year-old and 8-year-old), wife to one and wannabe domestic goddess (just joking…the last thing I want to do is set us back 50 years!) I was married in Las Vegas and have been with my husband for 14 years.
I am professionally trained in the basic and advanced courses in the natural healing method of Reiki and have been a member of Reiki Australia. In 2009, I became a Certified Angel Intuitive after attending the facilitated Doreen Virtue Angel Intuitive Workshop. This is where I learned to conduct card readings. I’ll include more on how I conduct healings and how you can get in touch with me for healings in future blogs. My healing practice is called Healing from the Heart and I am based in Batemans Bay, New South Wales, Australia.
I was the columnist behind Ask Sharon – a regular weekly feature of The Area News in Griffith. All columns feature on this website as blogs. Search under the category Ask Sharon weekly column of The Area News.
My Reiki Journey
I commenced my first Reiki course in 2009 while five months pregnant. Prior to starting a family, my career was very driven, intense, results oriented and scheduled. I thought I thrived under this pressure and the workload – my soul knew better and wanted more for me. I had always been drawn to alternative therapies as a way of healing, and a big part of my journey is to heal myself so that I can deliver the best possible treatment to my clients. I have worked on issues to do with family, addictions, health and more recently parenting.
How I Came to Be Me (for those of you who want more details, for everyone else you can move onto the big picture stuff)
I grew up on a piggery and cherry orchard in Young and am therefore a country girl at heart.
At some stage I went off into the big wide world and discovered life through the eyes of a boarder at Canberra Church of England Girls Grammar School. I was the first in my family to complete a University Degree in 2000.
I have recently relocated back to Batemans Bay, on the beautiful South Coast of New South Wales.
Some other facts about me:
- My Degree is a Bachelor of Tourism with a major in Public Relations
- Between the ages of 15 and 22, I assisted in the growth and development of my family’s former tourist attraction, JD’s Jam Factory to result in 140,000 visitors and in excess of $1 million turnover.
- I was a volunteer for the 2000 Olympic Games (just wish I had kept that sexy uniform!)
- I worked on the 2001 Election Campaign for the marginal seat of Eden-Monaro – and we won.
- I was one of three finalists in the Regional Initiative category of the Young Australian of the Year Awards for NSW for five consecutive years. (I am still probably the longest running finalist to never win the award…lol. I can joke about it now but at the time when my ego was more in control than my Spirit it was challenging).
- In 2003 I received a Centenary Medal, which was awarded to me for my contribution to Australian society and presented at Parliament House by the late Alby Schultz MP.