Ask Sharon: Our dreams have meaning

This Ask Sharon (angel intuitive) column in The Area News on Friday 14 August, 2015 answers a reader’s question about their fear of flying in their dreams by looking at the deeper message.

The Ask Sharon column as it appeared in The Area News on Friday 14 August, 2015.

Following is a copy of the full version of the column featured in The Area News complete with “You’re Ready” card from the Angel Answers cards.

THIS week Lou asked:

“I have a recurring dream in which I’m terrified to fly. I actually love air travel. What’s going on with that?”

In a previous column featuring dreams I acknowledged that I’m no dream expert. For me it’s about interpreting information…in the same way that I interpret the cards.

So let’s get interpreting to un-taint your love of air travel. Pick up any dream book or click on any dream website and you will see flying features quite prominently. This might help you feel like you’re not alone in the “terrified to fly” while dreaming department.

A dream in which you’re flying is often about freedom and letting go. One could deduce then, that if you’re afraid of flying in your dream that there could be something that you’re afraid to let go of or something that is inhibiting your sense of freedom. Trust your instincts on this one – usually the first thing that comes to mind (or whatever stirs up the most emotions) is it.

The next piece of information to help you unravel your flying mystery is today’s card, “You’re Ready” from Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine’s Angel Answers deck.

The “you’re ready” card from Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine’s Angel Answers Oracle deck was drawn to answer a reader’s question about their fear of flying in their dreams by looking at the deeper message.

The “You’re Ready” card is copyright to Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine, 2014.

With that eagerness, I looked deeper into your dream question and came across Sigmund Freud who argued that flying represented dreams of a sexual nature. But I think that’s a whole other column! For today we’ll keep it PG and stick to letting go and finding freedom.

So I found a safe haven in Rose Inserra’s Dictionary of Dreams. “Dreams can help us understand ourselves better. If we interpret them correctly, we can find a treasure trove of hidden secrets. Who or what are we running away from in a chase scenario? If our teeth are falling out, should we be paying the dentist a visit or is it all to do with losing our grip on things?”

Tips on how to unlock and unravel the message of your dreams:

  • First, acknowledge that your dreams do serve a purpose other than to aid sleep. If you dismiss them as such, you won’t be open to their ‘hidden secrets’.
  • Can you make links between your recurring dreams and any past issues that require reconciling?
  • Look at this as an opportunity to learn something about yourself as opposed to highlighting a problem. There’s no need for judgement when you’re decoding dreams.

For many, there is something beneath the surface (a childhood issue, a trauma, a fear) that can be the very thing that is blocking their path to happiness. Dreams are a way that we receive messages about these issues that need to be cleared. When you identify what it is for you and heal that issue, the dream will no longer persist. Instead, it will allow your real dreams to take flight.

Send your questions for Sharon to

Don’t want to ask a question by email? Simply complete the contact form on this blog. Use the message box for your question and it will come directly to me. Only first names will be used unless you complete the form as Anonymous. Ask away…you may be pleasantly surprised by what the cards reveal.

Today’s card has been drawn from the Angel Answers oracle cards. Image and card is copyright to Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine, 2014.

Decode Your Dreams and Look Deeper with These Great Resources

Australian author and Managing Director of Hay House, Leon Nacson has great information on his website, including common dream themes such as:

  • Chased
  • Falling
  • Flying
  • House
  • Infedility
  • Naked
  • Snakes
  • Spider
  • Teeth
  • Water

Leon has even released a Dream App!

Dream on with these other useful web references

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