Ask Sharon: Parenthood a constant juggling act

This Ask Sharon (angel intuitive) column in The Area News on Friday 17 July, 2015 answers a mother's question about juggling parenthood & work by encouraging balance & compassion.

The Ask Sharon column as it appeared in The Area News on Friday 17 July, 2015.

Following is a copy of the full version of the column featured in The Area News complete with the “Compassion” card from Doreen Virtue’s Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards.

THIS week Maria asked:

“I work a lot then when I’m at home I’m busy doing all the other stuff that has to get done. I worry that my kids are missing out?”

This is such a big subject that I’ll be answering your question over two weeks.

I started writing a blog once titled, “How much is enough time with your children?” I never got to finish it because the kids were constantly interrupting. The irony is not lost on me. So it seemed fitting to dig out my partial notes to help answer a question that is on the lips of many multi-tasking parents.

There is no right or wrong answer here and it will be different for each person. I can only say that you will know in your heart what feels like ‘enough’. Are there ways that expenses can be cut or savings made so that you can reduce your working hours? Will it help you to feel more balanced? That is the key.

Striking a delicate balance between structure and spontaneity comes to mind but how can we have both? The point is we can have both and both are necessary. It’s a matter of tuning into our intuition to know when one ends and the other begins. Also, we need to act on that intuition without delay. When we start doubting, questioning or over-analysing what our intuition has guided us to do, we automatically dilute the power behind it.

It might be time for you to become acquainted with the teachings of Kuan Yin as represented by today’s “Compassion” card courtesy of Doreen Virtue.

The “Compassion” card from Doreen Virtue’s Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards was drawn to help answer a mother's question about juggling parenthood & work by encouraging balance & compassion.

The “Compassion” card is copyright to Doreen Virtue, 2004.

Tips to clear a path for compassion:

  • Consider that you’re not giving yourself enough credit for the time you do spend with your children. Maybe it’s a case of quality not quantity.
  • Acknowledge the contribution you are making. This is not an ego boost but serves as an act of self-appreciation. It also prevents us from looking for appreciation from others.
  • Know that you are making a difference in the lives of your children, whatever you do.

Like many mothers what you are feeling is something Ita Buttrose of Studio 10 referred to in her book Motherguilt as, you guessed it, Motherguilt. She writes: “Being a mother is, and always will be, a full-time job…But the strain and responsibility of caring for children plus holding down a job does not allow mothers much time for the joy of parenting.”

Start by having more compassion for yourself and your situation. I’m sure you will conclude that you are doing your best and that’s all anyone, including your kids, can ask for.

Send your questions for Sharon to

Don’t want to ask a question by email? Simply complete the contact form on this blog. Use the message box for your question and it will come directly to me. Only first names will be used unless you complete the form as Anonymous. Ask away…you may be pleasantly surprised by what the cards reveal.

Today’s card has been drawn from the Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards. Image and card as well as the guidebook material quoted below is copyright to Doreen Virtue, 2004.

A little extra information…

For additional insight and meaning into today’s “Compassion” card refer to the material below from the guidebook.

Message from Kuan Yin: Gentleness is the strength behind true power, and it comes from feeding yourself nourishing words, thoughts, deeds, intentions and all forms of food. Shield yourself from harshness by placing an intention to attract only kind and gentle life lessons and relationships. Transform harshness into gentleness by refusing to see anything but shining light that’s within each person and situation. This intention begins with your relationship to yourself. Be very gentle with yourself in all ways. Be happy, be kind, be sweet, but most of all, be true to you.

Various Meanings of This Card:

  • Release guilt and shame to Heaven for healing and transmutation
  • Keep your thoughts about yourself and others positive
  • Avoid gossip or bad-mouthing of yourself or others
  • Forgive yourself or another
  • Don’t be so hard on yourself or others
  • Release perfectionistic tendencies

About Kuan Yin: (pronounced Qwan Yin): The Eastern goddess Kuan Yin hears all prayers and is the essence of purity, nurturing love, and gentle power. Kuan Yin is a bodhisattva, meaning that she’s eligible for Buddhahood. Yet, she has vowed to stay near Earth until all beings are enlightened. This youthful and beautiful goddess helps us feel compassion and mercy towards ourselves and others. She’s also a protectress of women and children, and she awakens musical interests and abilities as well as psychic clairvoyance.

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