Ask Sharon: Positive thinking powerful

This Ask Sharon (angel intuitive) column in The Area News on Friday 26 June, 2015 answers a question from a reader who’s asking about her health and why she’s continually getting sick.

The Ask Sharon column as it appeared in The Area News on Friday 26 June, 2015.

Following is a copy of the full version of the column featured in The Area News complete with the “My Thoughts Are in Harmony with Health” card from Esther and Jerry Hicks (The Teachings of Abraham) Law of Attraction Cards.

THIS week Liisa asked:

“I’m coming down with one illness after another. When will it end, and why me?”

There’s a really simple answer to this, but it might be a hard pill to swallow…at least at first.

Within a few hours of receiving your question, a crudely titled book, Stop F*ucking Around: 30 principles for a better life, by Aussie author Craig Harper landed on my desk. While it is filled with great anecdotes, the phrase that stood out to me to help answer your question was: “We are both the problem and the solution.” Powerful stuff.

There is so much material available about how we create our own reality – it is the cornerstone of modern self-help philosophy. Putting it into practice can seem difficult for us humans. However, it is a big part of why we are here – to master our own destiny. Rather than feeling like we are powerless when it comes to our life experiences (such as being sick), we have to look beyond our self-limiting beliefs about what is possible.

Being constantly ill can feel like a vicious cycle because it can be challenging to feel anything else other than the physical symptoms at the time. The key is to re-focus. It’s about switching from feeling negative emotions about the situation to feeling positive emotions, without creating further resistance. There are a number of ways to do this.

Tips on how to go from being encumbered to empowered:

  • For fast results, stop telling the sickness story. Every time we describe our ailments and illnesses to others, we are sending out a vibrational frequency to bring in more of the same.
  • Start a positivity journal. When you feel unwell, write down all of the things that feel ‘right’ in your life. Appreciation has the power to reverse a negative downward spiral.
  • Know that physical symptoms are your body’s way of getting a message to you. Often it is the only way we will listen, take notice and make changes. What is your body trying to tell you? Where can you take better care of yourself? Where can you make changes?

Once again, I deferred to my self-help masters, Esther and Jerry Hicks, through the Teachings of Abraham. Thinking about your question, I shuffled their Law of Attraction cards and received “My Thoughts Are in Harmony with Health.”

The “My Thoughts Are in Harmony with Health” card from Esther and Jerry’s Law of Attraction Cards was drawn to help answer a question from a reader who’s asking about her health and why she’s continually getting sick.

This card is copyright to Esther and Jerry Hicks, 2008.

You deserve to have good health – we all do. It all comes down to how much you are resisting or allowing good health into your life.

Because this is such a big subject I have added extra material on this blog. In the meantime, consider your question as a positive step in the right direction. You have identified the problem, and now you can be part of the solution. If that’s not empowering, I don’t know what is!

Send your questions for Sharon to

Don’t want to ask a question by email? Simply complete the contact form on this blog. Use the message box for your question and it will come directly to me. Only first names will be used unless you complete the form as Anonymous. Ask away…you may be pleasantly surprised by what the cards reveal.

Today’s card has been drawn from The Law of Attraction Cards. Image and card is copyright to Esther and Jerry Hick, 2008. The material on this card is based on text from the book The Law of Attraction, copyright to Esther and Jerry Hicks, 2006.

A little something extra…

Louise Hay brought to the world the idea that positive affirmations can have a direct impact on a person’s health. More than 50 million copies of her book, You Can Heal Your Life, has been sold worldwide. It contains the full list of affirmations for every health issue you can think of from Abdominal Cramps to Yeast Infections. She’s now produced an app to help in this area. For a great range of free affirmations by subject (forgiveness, happiness, healing, health, inspiration, love, prosperity, relationships, self-esteem) visit

Another great resource is Dr Wayne Dyer’s, Change Your Thoughts – Change Your Life: Living The Wisdom of the Tao. In the words of the man himself, “This is a book that will forever change the way you look at your life, and the result will be that you’ll live in a new world aligned with nature.” 

Other Law of Attraction cards about health…

As I was shuffling the Law of Attraction cards this week, I noticed a number of cards that provided different viewpoints on this subject. Here’s a few to help you create a positive outlook on your life.

My Thoughts Are Like Powerful Magnets: Your thoughts are powerful, attractive magnets – attracting one to another. Thoughts attract to themselves, and you attract thoughts to you by giving your attention to them. Those who speak most of prosperity have it, and those who speak most of sickness or poverty have it. It is Law. It can be no other way.

Worrying about Illness Can Create More Illness: When you give your attention to something, your potential for attracting it is increased. The more vivid the details, the more likely you are to attract it into your experience. And so, any negative emotion you feel while observing something is your indication that you are negatively attracting.

I Can Turn a Downward Spiral Upward: As you focus on the best of what you do have, even if it is only a small part of your experience, the Law of Attraction will now bring you more of the essence of that. And so, you can replace a “downward spiral” with a fast-moving “upward spiral” by simply directing your thoughts more to things you do want.

When Focussing Upon Solutions, I feel Good: Focussing upon a solution brings you positive emotion; focusing upon a problem brings you negative emotion. While the differences are subtle, they are very important, for when you are feeling positive emotion, you are attracting into your experiences that which you want. When you are feeling negative emotion, you are in the process of attracting that which you do not want.

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