Ask Sharon: Take time to reach out to loved ones

This Ask Sharon (angel intuitive) column in The Area News on Friday 18 September, 2015 answers a reader’s question about being estranged from family by encouraging her to reconnect with loved ones.

The Ask Sharon column as it appeared in The Area News on Friday 18 September, 2015.

Following is the full version of the column featured in The Area News complete with the “Mending Bridges” card from Denise Linn’s Gateway Oracle Cards.

THIS week Jen asked:

“My sister and I are not as close as when we were kids. Is it because we live apart or because we have issues we’ve never talked about?”

It seems to be a natural part of the rhythm of life that people drift in and out. For most, it’s not a problem and there’s an acceptance that not everyone who comes into one’s life is meant to be there until the very end…including some family members.

But, there is something about family – whether blood related or not – that implies a lasting connection.

Often, life can get in the way of having more enriching relationships. Even reflecting on the origins of the relationship and how it once bloomed, may cause us to feel sorrow because that is no longer our experience. It has become a memory, not the present reality that we had hoped for. However, this reminiscing can also be the spark we need to reignite that connection.

Today, the ‘why’ is not as relevant as the ‘what you do now’. Denise Linn’s “Mending Bridges” card comes to you, and anyone else, who is need of relationship repair.

The “Mending Bridges” card from Denise Linn’s Gateway Oracle deck was drawn to answer a reader’s question about being estranged from family by encouraging her to reconnect with loved ones.

The “Mending Bridges” card is copyright to Denise Linn, 2012.

Tips on how to extend the olive branch and still honour your feelings:

  • Reconnection has power. You are more likely to feel peace and closure in the attempt, regardless of the outcome.
  • Keep the interaction in the present. Don’t let the past overshadow the potential for healing.
  • Consider…if you knew how much time you had left to live, who would you reach out to? Is the fear of being hurt stopping you, and can you find the courage to overcome it?

Sometimes a situation requires someone to be the hero (or in your case the heroine). For a stalemate to be lifted, someone inevitably needs to step up and reach out to the other without fear of consequences. This detachment to the outcome paves the way for possibilities…and healing for all concerned. It is unconditional love in action.

With the September 11 anniversary fresh in my mind, I was reminded of Robert Holden’s book Success Intelligence, where he recalls that day and the phone calls made by the passengers aboard the three aeroplanes.

He points out that all the calls were made to loved ones. He cuts to the heart of the issue by saying:

“All of these passengers would be dead in just a few moments. Their last act was to do what is important – they made their phone calls, they declared their love. These passengers were teaching us all that in the final call, love is the goal, love is the reason and love is the whole point of everything.”

Send your questions for Sharon to

Don’t want to ask a question by email? Simply complete the contact form on this blog. Use the message box for your question and it will come directly to me. Only first names will be used unless you complete the form as Anonymous. Ask away…you may be pleasantly surprised by what the cards reveal.

Today’s card has been drawn from the Gateway Oracle Cards. Image and card as well as the material quoted below from the guidebook is copyright to Denise Linn, 2012.

A little extra information…

The following material from the guidebook about the “Mending Bridges” card, may offer some additional insight.

Card Meaning: Heal old wounds with respect to people and situations. Carefully do whatever you feel is necessary to make amends. You are a mender. Help others mend bridges in their lives.

The Universe wants you to know: There are times to drop everything and leave; and there are also times to carefully mend bridges with people, situations, and places. This is one of those healing times. Maybe there is a wound inside of you that needs to be forgiven or accepted. Transform the inner grievance. Do it now, for you no longer need to carry it with you. Perhaps there is a person from your past with whom you should reconnect. You know what you need to do. Take action now.

Questions to ask yourself: If there was an area of my life that needed mending, what might it be? What is the first step I need to take toward resolving a current rift I have with someone? Could this card represent something within myself that I need to give attention to or mend?

Affirmation: “I heal rifts. I am a mender.”

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