
Joy for Joy’s Sake: Welcome to Joytember 2024!

Welcome to September or as I now refer to it as ‘Joytember’, a month dedicated to the pure, uncomplicated joy that life has to offer. This year, let’s connect with the spirit of “Joy for Joy’s Sake,” a concept that encourages us to discover and celebrate joy not just as a reward for our hard work but as an essential, everyday experience.

As I wrote on Facebook:

“A few years ago, I found myself in a dark place, feeling compelled to go along with something I didn’t believe in. Then, my mum had a heart attack. Out of sheer desperation to find some light, I conceived ‘Joytember.’ I decided to take matters into my own hands and heart, initially creating something that would help me refocus on what truly mattered.”

Reflecting on that time in September 2021, I remember how, despite the global and personal challenges, Joytember became a ray of optimism. It provided a crucial distraction during a tough period and even played a role in my mum’s recovery. Today, she is thriving and credits Joytember as a key part of her journey.

As we greet September, let’s embrace this month and each moment with open hearts and a renewed sense of joy. Show us those toothy grins and allow yourself to be uplifted by the spirit of Joytember!


Joy and the Value of Everyday Happiness

Too often, we put joy on hold, saving it for special occasions, milestones, or holidays. We think joy will come once we’ve achieved certain goals or when everything falls perfectly into place. How often do we say, ‘When x happens, I’ll be happy’? But what if we shifted our perspective and began to seek joy simply because it’s there, waiting for us in the everyday moments?

Joy is its own reward...go on try it.

Joy is its own reward…go on try it!

Rediscovering Everyday Joy

Imagine a world where joy is a constant companion rather than a fleeting guest. Instead of waiting for the big moments, why not embrace the small, daily opportunities for joy?

Whether it’s the aroma of your morning coffee, a spontaneous laugh with a friend, or the simple pleasure of a quiet moment, these are the experiences that, when cherished, add up to a life full of joy.

That’s why I set out to make September a time to consciously seek out these everyday joys. It’s all about noticing the little things that make you smile and giving yourself permission to enjoy them without guilt or delay.

These guys know how to have a good time! Two dogs in a car with sunglasses on.

These guys know how to have a good time!

Joy Starts at Home

Our homes can be sanctuaries of joy. This September, let’s create spaces that uplift and inspire. Fill your home with things that bring you happiness–whether it’s arranging fresh flowers, creating a cosy reading nook, or indulging in a relaxing bath with your favourite scents. Surround yourself with positivity and let it seep into every corner of your life.

Pamper yourself at home this Joytember

Pamper yourself at home this Joytember.

Embracing Playfulness

Remember the joy of being playful? Reconnect with activities that make you laugh and feel alive. Dust off your old board games, get creative with crafts, or have a dance party in your living room. The key is to embrace the spirit of playfulness without the pressure of perfection. Play for the sake of play, and let that joy be its own reward. Your cortisol levels will thank you, as play is a powerful antidote to the stress of our busy, rushed lives.

Game on for joy. Board games a plenty.

Game on for joy!

Nature’s Joyful Offerings

Here on the South Coast, we’re spoiled for choice when it comes to nature’s playground. With bushland, beaches, and nature walks right in our own backyard, we have everything we need to enjoy and appreciate the outdoors. Let nature be a source of revitalising joy this September.

Step outside and let the beauty around you rejuvenate your spirit–whether it’s through leisurely walks, picnics, or simply sitting in a park and soaking up the sun.

Nature has a remarkable way of grounding us and reminding us of life’s simple pleasures. Allow yourself to be present and find joy in the natural world around you.

Often it's the simple things that bring the most joy. Having fun with the family in nature.

Often it’s the simple things that bring the most joy.

Nurturing Passions

September can be the perfect month to prioritise activities that ignite our passions. Set aside time for hobbies and interests that make your heart sing. Whether it’s painting, writing, or gardening, give yourself the space to indulge in what brings you joy. By nurturing your passions, you’re nurturing your own sense of fulfillment.

Joytember is the perfect time to revisit and reprioritise passions

Joytember is the perfect time to revisit and reprioritise passions.

Sharing Joy

The beauty of joy is its infectious nature. As you embrace joy in your own life, you naturally share it with those around you. Spread kindness, share smiles, and encourage others to join in. Your joy can create a ripple effect that brightens not only your own life but also those you come into contact with.

Your Joytember Checklist

  • Enjoy quality time with loved ones.
  • Watch feel-good movies or funny shows that make you laugh.
  • Take regular walks in nature and appreciate its beauty.
  • Create a joyful atmosphere at home with uplifting music and decor.
  • Engage in playful activities or revisit old hobbies.
  • Connect with others and share acts of kindness.
  • Take time for self-care and enjoy moments of relaxation.

What will you add to your ‘Joytember’ list? Share your ideas and join the conversation on social media with the hashtag #Joytember

Let’s make this September a celebration of joy, not just for special occasions but for every single day. May this time be filled with smiles, laughter, and a renewed appreciation for the everyday moments that make life truly special. Thank you for being part of this journey.

One last thing…

While we can engage in activities that bring us joy, it’s important to remember that true joy often emerges from within–a deep, abiding sense that comes not just from what we do, but from how we connect with ourselves and the world around us.

2 thoughts on “Joy for Joy’s Sake: Welcome to Joytember 2024!

  1. It is 3 .33 am getting
    ready for my school job it’s been 13 years doing this time and I am still happy to do it. I know there will be one extra thing I will do is read Sharon’s post when i wake it still brings tears running down my face. These tears are so beautiful the feeling in my heart is full of love and I know things happen fir a reason. My heart attack was actually a wake up call to really get myself doing more things for me to enjoy the rest of my life. Now I am 70 don’t feel that age and still working 2 jobs my knee is needing a knee replacement and alI I can do is keep going do the exercises change what I can to feel good and not feel sorry for myself that I struggle to walk because deep down I am strong I am loved and this is just another wake up call to keep finding and doing things that make me happy and the love I receive from Sharon and her healing messages is more then any mother needs I love her to the moon and back. My heart has healed my knee will too

    • Mum, reading your words fills my heart with such love and gratitude. Your strength and resilience inspire me every day. Even through the challenges, you continue to find joy and purpose, and it’s a beautiful reminder to all of us to embrace every moment. Your determination to keep going, despite obstacles, is the true essence of a warrior spirit.
      I’m beyond grateful to be a part of your journey, and knowing that my words bring you comfort and healing means more to me than I can express. I love you to the moon and back. Your heart has healed, and I have no doubt your knee will too, because your spirit is unstoppable.

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