This is the Source card featured in the Osho Zen Tarot The Transcendental Game of Zen & is copyright to the Osho International Foundation Switzerland (1994)
The Commentary:
When we speak of being ‘grounded’ or ‘centred’ it is this Source we are talking about. When we begin a creative project, it is this Source that we tune in to. This card reminds us that there is a vast reservoir of energy available to us. And that we tap into it not by thinking and planning but by getting grounded, centred and silent enough to be in contact with the Source. It is within each of us, like a personal, individual sun giving us life and nourishment. Pure energy, pulsating, available it is ready to give us anything we need to accomplish something, and ready to welcome us back home when we want to rest. So whether you are beginning something new and need inspiration right now, or you have just finished something and want to rest, go to the Source. It’s always waiting for you, and you don’t even have to step out of your house to find it.
The Card:
Zen asks you to come out of the head and go into the basic source….It is not that Zen is not aware of the uses of energy in the head, but if all the energy is used in the head, you will never become aware of your eternity….You will never know as an experience what it is to be one with the whole. When the energy is just at the centre, pulsating, when it is not moving anywhere, neither in the head nor in the heart, but it is the very source from where the heart takes it, the head takes it, pulsating at the very source – that is the very meaning of Zazen.
Zazen means just sitting at the very source, not moving anywhere, a tremendous force arises, a transformation of energy into light and love, into greater life, into compassion, into creativity. It can take many forms. But first you have to learn how to be at the source. Then the source will decide where your potential is. You can relax at the source, and it will take you to your very potential.