Following is a copy of the full version of the column featured in The Area News complete with the “Artistic Expression” card from Doreen Virtue’s Ascended Masters Oracle Cards. THIS week Anne asked: “I have been feeling really anxious lately but have absolutely no reason to feel this way. What’s happening to me?” In the same way that last […]
Ask Sharon: Positive thinking powerful
Following is a copy of the full version of the column featured in The Area News complete with the “My Thoughts Are in Harmony with Health” card from Esther and Jerry Hicks (The Teachings of Abraham) Law of Attraction Cards. THIS week Liisa asked: “I’m coming down with one illness after another. When will it end, and […]
Ask Sharon: A reminder to have fun!
Following is a copy of the full version of the column featured in The Area News complete with the “Laughter is the best medicine” card from Doreen Virtue’s Archangel Raphael Healing Oracle Cards. THIS week Barbara asked: “I’m sick and tired of the same old, same old. My life is predictable and there’s not much excitement. Can the […]