Following is a copy of the full version of the column featured in The Area News complete with the Savouring Pleasure card from the Gateway Oracle Cards. THIS week Susan asked: “I need a holiday badly but it’s not likely to happen anytime soon. Can the cards help me with that?” What is it exactly about going on holidays […]
Ask Sharon: Cherish time spent with your child
Ask Sharon Cherish time spent with your child LAST week I considered the true meaning of Mother’s Day and specifically what anyone in a mum’s inner circle can do to support them. This week it’s about what mothers can do for themselves to make their busy, demanding lives more enjoyable and fulfilling. I’m not a […]
Ask Sharon: Show Mum you care on Mother’s Day
Ask Sharon Show Mum you care on Mother’s Day THIS week the sea of pink and excessive use of the word ‘special’ prompted me to recall conversations I’ve had with my mummy friends. One of them had asked, “Does Mothers Day really mean anything anyway?” I began digging. Mothers Day was founded by American […]
Ask Sharon: Don’t sweat small stuff
Following is a copy of the full version of the column featured in The Area News complete with the Wait card from the Angel Answers Oracle Cards. Ask Sharon Don’t sweat small stuff THIS week a question was submitted anonymously: “I’m usually fairly calm but lately when someone pushes my buttons I feel like I can’t control my anger. […]