Ask Sharon, Christmas Edition of The Area News

  Following is a copy of the full version of the column featured in The Area News complete with oracle card images. Ask Sharon Should I stay or should I go? THIS week I was asked a question by Mark. “I’m unsure whether to stay in my current job. Lately I’m becoming more frustrated with the […]

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“I’m officially a columnist!”

Following is a copy of the text from the column featured in The Area News today for easy reading 🙂 Ask Sharon ARE you looking for a little guidance in the lead up to Christmas? Sharon Halliday, a new Griffith resident, is a Certified Angel Intuitive who offers oracle and angel card readings. The cards […]

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Messages from the Gateway Oracle Cards–Awakening Ancient Wisdom & Manifesting Dreams

Momentum. It’s the very thing that causes our thoughts to rampage toward feelings of love or fear, happiness or misery, positivity or negativity. Most of us, at some point or another have made the observation “when it rains it pours” or “everything happens at once.” And that is because what we are focusing on, we […]

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Messages from the Ascended Masters Oracle Cards – The Power of Joy

Recently the concept of joy has been surfacing for me. While I have been working on a blog post, which explores the idea of bringing more joy into our lives (in a joyous way!), I have been integrating more joy into my daily life. I know, I know – joy should come naturally right? If, […]

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