Messages from the Angels, Gods & Goddesses Cards – Emergence

This card was drawn for myself and my friend Sarnia who recently brought her glowing light to the world stage. Little did we know we were working on our blogs at the same time! The Universe has a wonderful way of creating synchronicities for us. It takes courage to follow your calling, your higher purpose, […]

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As the supermoon energy ends, something super exciting is just beginning

It seems like a match made in heaven…well more accurately the stars…launching my new blog during the same week that we were treated to that visually spectacular Supermoon! According to Christine Rothwell, the ‘Supermoon’ phenomenon we witnessed last Sunday when the full moon was closest to Earth and appeared larger than usual, emitted an energy that was present for the entire […]

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Messages from the Chalkboard – Angel Number 9 – Lightworker

During the entire process of preparing this blog, I would receive messages from the angels day after day in the form of the number 9. So up it went, straight to the chalkboard to remind me to: “Get to work, Lightworker – now! The number 9 means that you’ve completed all of the prerequisites to […]

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You are not your story, roll up your scroll

“There’s a beautiful story of a vision the woman who wrote A Course in Miracles had. In her vision she found a scroll in an old box. It was ancient, and as she started to unroll it she saw some writing on the left and some on the right, and she heard a voice saying, […]

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