It has been seven years to the day that I launched my blog and website. As it is with the achievement of any grand goal or big dream, there is a sense of accomplishment and relief. Starting the blog was something that had been brewing in me for years and to have it come to […]
Clichés, Compassion, Creativity and that other C-word
As restrictions start to ease, and a resemblance of normal life creeps back in, I contemplate how just like the bushfires, COVID-19 will be a time in our life that we never forget. We would all agree we’ve learned a great deal from the coronavirus and this experience, and it’s important we don’t forget those […]
From the Fire Front: ‘The sky was a hellish red’
It is hard to believe that it was three months ago to the day that our region was ravaged by bushfires. In that time, we’ve also seen floods; such is life in Australia! But, just when we thought we couldn’t possibly endure any more, COVID-19 shows up and now we’re in the grips of a […]
“I’m officially a podcaster!”
If anyone had told me that one day I would be a co-host on a podcast, I probably would’ve responded with a giant guffaw (aka belly laugh) then followed up with a snort! Ever since podcasts were created in 2004 (for those of you playing at home), it felt like a pipe dream. I knew […]