“I’ve officially published my own book!”

Sharon Halliday is elated with her debut book, Messages from the Heart.

It’s a distinct smell when you have in your hands a freshly printed copy of a new book. When you fan the pages and think for a moment of the enthralling words that are going to leap off them and into your brain. But on this day it was more of a fragrance. The book smelt […]

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Ask Sharon: Don’t ever give up on your dreams

Following is a copy of the full version of the final column featured in The Area News. TOMORROW marks one year of weekly “Ask Sharon” columns for The Area News. My brother loaned me a book. It’s signed by the author, Australian actor, stuntman and success coach Kurek Ashley. Inside the cover of How Would Love […]

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Ask Sharon: Our dreams have meaning

Following is a copy of the full version of the column featured in The Area News complete with “You’re Ready” card from the Angel Answers cards. THIS week Lou asked: “I have a recurring dream in which I’m terrified to fly. I actually love air travel. What’s going on with that?” In a previous column featuring dreams I acknowledged […]

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Ask Sharon: Our dreams may contain messages

Following is a copy of the full version of the column featured in The Area News complete with the Key card from the Fortune Reading Cards. THIS week Leanne asked: “I have weird dreams. Is there a message in them?” I’m not a dream expert but Australian author Leon Nacson is. He writes, “It’s in our dreams, and the change […]

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