Unleash Your September Smile: Welcome to Joytember 2023!


Welcome back to the most heartwarming and uplifting time of the year – “Joytember!” A movement that began two years ago with the simple yet profound goal of spreading joy and positivity throughout the month of September. When I think back to where it all began in September 2021, and we were amidst some of […]

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Bring on the good vibes because September is Joytember!


I think joy is one of the most underrated and undervalued emotions. For many of us, love is the ultimate emotion, and as one band famously reminded us with their hit, “All You Need is Love.” Yet, in my opinion, as the highest vibrating emotion, it’s joy that aligns you with your heart’s true desires […]

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Ask Sharon: Declutter for superior sleep

Following is the full version of the column featured in The Area News complete with the “Renewing Your Life” card from Denise Linn’s Gateway Oracle Cards. THIS week Melissa asks: “Have you got any tips on how to get a good night’s sleep?” When I drew Denise Linn’s “Renewing Your Life” card depicting a person pushing a box of clutter off […]

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Messages from the Ascended Masters Oracle Cards – The Power of Joy

Recently the concept of joy has been surfacing for me. While I have been working on a blog post, which explores the idea of bringing more joy into our lives (in a joyous way!), I have been integrating more joy into my daily life. I know, I know – joy should come naturally right? If, […]

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