From bestselling author to YouTuber, Sharon Halliday shares her journey and inspires you to share your voice and pursue your dreams.

“I’m Officially a YouTuber: How 9 Years of Blogging Paved the Path to Vlogging!”

As I sit down to reflect on the remarkable journey that began 9 years ago today with a simple blog post, I am overcome with a sense of gratitude and accomplishment. Little did I know back then that this would mark the start of an incredible adventure that would lead me to become a columnist, author, book coach, course creator, and now a YouTuber.

Author turned YouTuber sharon halliday shares the importance of going after your dreams and finding your voice

Today, as I celebrate the convergence of my 9-year blogging anniversary and my venture into the captivating world of YouTube, I am reminded of the power of creativity, persistence, and sharing your voice. This exciting endeavour has not only brought me joy but has also taught me valuable lessons about going forward courageously in the direction of my dreams. I’ve always prescribed to the late Dr. Wayne Dyer’s advice: “Don’t die with your music still in you.”

Just as I wear many hats representing my different roles, you will see a range of videos on my YouTube channel, The Book Sherpa.

  1. Number one is all the guidance and advice I can offer to aspiring authors on how to write their books by overcoming procrastination and developing productive writing habits. That’s why I created the series “Keep Your Book Alive in 5!” These 5-minute videos give my short, sharp “Sherpa Secrets” to help you get your book out of your head and onto the page.
  2. Then I’ve got my Soul Suggestions for the series Manifestation Mastery where you will get all of my hot tips on how to become a manifesting powerhouse!
  3. Plus, there will be videos on energy healing including cord clearings, chakra clearings, oracle card readings and anything that’s connected to spiritual development and the divine.
For content about writing, manifesting and healing check out The Book Sherpa YouTUbe channel

For content about writing, manifesting and healing check out The Book Sherpa YouTube channel

A Fusion of Passion and Purpose

As I stand at the crossroads of my 9-year blogging milestone and the satisfaction of finally having my own YouTube channel, I am reminded that both of these achievements share a common thread – a burning passion for sharing stories, insights, and inspiration. My blog laid the foundation for thoughtful conversations and connections, while YouTube provides a canvas for visual storytelling that resonates with a wider audience. This fusion of passion and purpose has magnified my ability to touch lives, turning milestones into meaningful moments.

“Within each of us lies a story waiting to be told, a voice yearning to be heard. In the act of sharing our narratives, we illuminate the world with the brilliance of our unique experiences. Embrace the power of your voice; for in its resonance, lives the potential to inspire, connect, and shape the course of human understanding.”

The Impact of Connection

Blogging taught me the value of connecting through written words, but YouTube has taken this connection to an entirely new level. Through comments, messages, and shared experiences, I’ve come to realise that the true magic lies not just in what I create, but in the bonds I forge with my audience. These breakthroughs signify not only personal growth but the creation of a community that finds strength and inspiration in our shared journey. And isn’t that what it’s all about?

Embracing Challenges and Celebrating Triumphs

The path from blogger to vlogger hasn’t been without its challenges. Yet, each obstacle and setback has been a stepping stone toward personal and creative growth. From conquering the fear of being in front of the camera to mastering the creative side of video publishing, every victory has been a testament to the power of persistence and the unyielding belief in the potential of our dreams. As a solo entrepreneur, it’s just me. There is no team and I’ve had to learn everything myself along the way (ironically through watching countless hours of YouTube videos!). But I got there, and I realised you can’t put a price on perseverance.

As I celebrate 9 years of blogging and embrace my role as a YouTuber, I am reminded that every step, no matter how small, contributes to the mosaic of my life. The synchronicity of these two turning points fills me with a profound sense of accomplishment and excitement for what lies ahead. From the written word to the spoken story, from pixels to video frames, this journey has shown me that with determination and focused effort, the possibilities are limitless.

every journey is a series of steps according to youtuber sharon halliday

Every journey is a series of steps

As I look back at the road travelled and the road ahead, I am reminded that milestones are not just markers of time; they are the milestones that pave the way for dreams to become realities.

2023 has shaped up to be a big year for me when I became a course creator with the recent launch of my first course “How to Become a Manifesting Powerhouse in 40 Days or Less!”

But I’m not done yet!

I share this with you because as one coach said to me recently (shout-out to Andy Medlam, the 6-Figure Coach):

“It’s time for all of us to play a bigger game!”

So, I ask you to ask yourself each and every day, “What is the one thing I could be doing today to play the bigger game?”

4 thoughts on ““I’m Officially a YouTuber: How 9 Years of Blogging Paved the Path to Vlogging!”

  1. What can I say I am so proud of you all your perseverance has paved the way for you and you are really doing what you were born to you to the moon and back. Mum

    • You are spot on! That perseverance has paved the way and now I get to do what I came here to do. I hope that others will feel inspired to also follow their North Star.

  2. Yeah Shaz! You are a powerhouse and an incredible human. Love seeing your evolution and your commitment to helping others. I’m inspired! Thank you for making transformation accessible. Xxx

    • Kelly, thank you so much for your kind, uplifting words. What a heartfelt message to wake up to today! I’m very grateful that you see my authentic self shining through, which is at the heart of what I share with others – to embrace their true, authentic selves and live from the heart. And yes, making transformation accessible is an important part of my journey, so thank you also for acknowledging that. May you have a glorious day! xxx

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