Follow Your Dreams fortune cookie

“I’m officially a course creator!”

We all have dreams. Some of us are just more prepared to admit it than others.

For many of us, dreams start in childhood when we look up (metaphorically and literally) to the adults in our life that appear to have interesting jobs and vocations. The teacher, the firefighter, the mother – whatever role it is – as children we become fascinated, and sometimes fixated, on what grown-ups do.  

When I was about 8 years old, and I remember this like it was yesterday, I visited the NSW Police exhibition at the Royal Easter Show. I distinctly recall having a conversation with the young constable about how they catch the “bad guys.” To be fair, I think I was equally impressed with the shiny, Ford Falcon V8 interceptor the officer was standing beside. It seems as an 8-year-old in 1986, I already had a fascination with fast cars! I didn’t end up becoming a police officer, but I would eventually marry one.  

It wasn’t until age 11, that I decided on my dream – to become a published author. And as many know by now, it would take me another 26 years to make that dream a reality. Fast-forward to 2023, and another one of my dreams came true when this week I launched my first online course “How to Become a Manifesting Powerhouse in 40 Days or Less!” which is on sale now. (Apply the code LAUNCH at the checkout and save $100 – for a limited time only!) 

According to Research and Markets, the global e-learning industry is projected to reach approximately $375 billion by 2026. This mega market, of which online courses form a component, involves the delivery of educational content and training through digital platforms allowing learners to access courses and resources remotely using the internet. You’d be hard-pressed to find an adult who hasn’t experienced online learning for themselves. The explosion of online (or virtual) courses is one of the surprisingly positive effects to come out of the last couple of years. 

When I looked more deeply into why I wanted to create content in the form of courses, there was one big motivation. I believe that my experiences and knowledge, in a couple of key areas, have provided a fertile breeding ground for me to have insights and information to share with others which can lead them to improve their lives. Plain and simple.  

Those key areas are: 

  • Teaching people to write books (a 26-year journey from dream to reality will give you the expertise to do that!); and  
  • Teaching people to harness their innate ability and power to manifest their desires into reality (a 30-year journey of studying and practicing how to do this will achieve that too!).   
bestselling author, podcaster and now course creator, sharon halliday, enjoys sharing her knowledge with others

I wonder what my next course will be about…

Becoming a course creator allows me to package my knowledge into structured learning materials which help others acquire new skills or expand their knowledge. I have developed a passion for teaching what I know and what works for me, and I enjoy the process of imparting this knowledge to others. To me, it’s a win-win, because I get to fulfill my teaching aspirations, and at the same time, the lives of those I teach are positively impacted. 

Beyond that, it gives my life fulfillment and meaning. I realised many years ago, after coming out of deep meditation, that I was given an obstacle-ladened path so that others wouldn’t have to experience the same hardships I did. Of course, they would encounter their own challenges – no dream worth fighting for is without its fair share of adversity. What I went through was necessary for me, so that level of pain and anguish wouldn’t be necessary for others.  

Having dreams that take decades to realise takes extreme courage and persistence. 

Just in my group writing session this morning at my local library in Batemans Bay, one of the members commented about how “he knew a fella who had worked on his boat for 50 years before he got to sail it.” 50 years! Now that’s commitment. But the would-be sailor didn’t waver, he didn’t give up. I’m sure there were many occasions where it seemed easier to sell the boat as he moved house or travelled, but all the while he knew deep in his heart that someday he would set sail. Can you imagine how that must have felt, taking that boat out for the first time after all those years of crafting it, working on it, and dreaming about it?  

Sailing Towards Dreams: Where Passion and Adventure Unite

Sailing Towards Dreams: Where Passion and Adventure Unite

For those that know me, I speak at length about going after your dreams (hopefully not ad nauseam…surely someone would tell me, right?). But there is a reason why I’m so passionate about this topic.  

If you don’t have dreams, what are you left with? 

I don’t know about you, but I could not imagine my life without dreams. A life without a lack of direction, purpose, and motivation. Drifting aimlessly unsure of what I truly want or where I want to go, does not appeal to me at all.  

I understand that there are times in life when we may feel lost or stuck in a monotonous routine where we can’t see a clear path ahead. These are the times we need to pause, reflect, and take proactive steps to regain clarity, find a new dream to pursue, or reconnect with an old one.


To navigate those moments and rediscover a sense of direction and purpose there are a number of ways you can find the freedom to dream again: 

  • Engage in self-reflection by exploring your values, interests, and passions. Reflect on past experiences, achievements, and moments of joy to identify patterns or themes that resonate with your core desires and aspirations. 
  • Seek new experiences to break away from the routine and step out of your comfort zone. Be bold and brave by exposing yourself to different environments, cultures, or activities. Maybe you’ll discover hidden passions and interests that spark a new dream. 
  • Pursue inspiration and learning by reading books, watching documentaries, and listening to podcasts…I know a good podcast you might like! Or engage with communities and individuals who have achieved what you aspire to. Learning from their journeys can reignite your own ambitions and help you discover a dream. 
  • Set small, achievable goals that align with your interests or values then take action. Sometimes, the process of actively working towards something can open doors and lead to new opportunities or help you clarify your desires.  
  • Recognise that dreams and passions may evolve over time and be open to experimentation. By being adaptable and embracing the possibility of change you will naturally explore different paths, take on new projects, and allow yourself to adjust your course based on what resonates most with you. 
  • Find support by reaching out to friends, mentors, or professionals who can offer guidance and assistance. There are people that are only too happy to help you navigate through the process of rediscovering your dreams, if you’ll just ask.  
Reaching New Heights: Conquering Mountains, Chasing Dreams.

Reaching New Heights: Conquering Mountains, Chasing Dreams.

And always remember, regaining clarity and finding a dream to pursue is a personal and unique journey.

It may take time, patience, and a willingness to explore different avenues. Stay open to new possibilities, trust your instincts, and allow yourself the freedom to dream again. I know I did and I discovered that when one dream is reached another one appears on the horizon. Who knows what’s around the corner or how long we’ve got left? To me, this makes the relentless pursuit of dreams a worthy one. 

In the beauty of this journey, as dreams are reached and new ones emerge, we realise that the pursuit of our passions is not a destination, but an ever-evolving adventure that breathes life into our souls. Embrace the uncertainty, embrace the process, and let your dreams guide you to a life of fulfillment and purpose. For within each dream lies the infinite potential to create a reality that exceeds even our wildest imagination.

So, dare to dream, dear reader, and unleash the boundless power within you to shape a future that is truly extraordinary. 

Follow Your Dreams fortune cookie

Just in case you needed another sign to follow your dreams.


One thought on ““I’m officially a course creator!”

  1. Hi darlen you make me so proud when I read anything you put on paper I want to take it all in you have you have showed me to love myself and to follow my dreams. One day soon I will be working with you that is my dream love you mama

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