“I’m officially a podcaster!”

If anyone had told me that one day I would be a co-host on a podcast, I probably would’ve responded with a giant guffaw (aka belly laugh) then followed up with a snort! Ever since podcasts were created in 2004 (for those of you playing at home), it felt like a pipe dream. I knew […]

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From Gold Medals to Getting It Done

Author Sharon Halliday Salutes Locals Who Are Following Their Dreams As the 21st Commonwealth Games on the Gold Coast wraps up this weekend, it is timely that we take a moment to consider the efforts of our athletes and their support teams. Some dreams will have been dashed, others will have been realised, but we […]

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In the wake of Las Vegas and the New York Terror Attack: Local Author Reflects

As I was going through the checkout a few weeks ago, a lady commented on the national paper that lay across my groceries. “Tragedy. It’s everywhere!” Her remark referred to an inferno-like picture of a truck crash in Singleton after it had been stolen and driven recklessly down the New England Highway causing chaos along […]

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“I’ve officially published my own book!”

Sharon Halliday is elated with her debut book, Messages from the Heart.

It’s a distinct smell when you have in your hands a freshly printed copy of a new book. When you fan the pages and think for a moment of the enthralling words that are going to leap off them and into your brain. But on this day it was more of a fragrance. The book smelt […]

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