At 12:52am tomorrow morning the moon will be the closest full moon to Earth since 1948. To see something like this again we’ll have to wait until 2034. This full moon has been referred to as “the supermoon of all supermoons” for obvious reasons. So what is this particular supermoon (or perigee-syzygy, for those […]
Crazy Full Moon…or just Motherguilt
From Friday 19 August, 2016 Today I forgot to pack my son’s lunch. Do I feel bad about it? Of course. Would I be the only mum to have ever done this? I seriously doubt it. Can I change it? No. Can I blame it on the full moon? Also a “No.” Luckily, he had […]
Will you stop and smell the roses this spring?

Apart from my recent post about becoming a published author and my columns as Ask Sharon for The Area News, this is the first independent blog post I have done in 13 months…to the day! And there’s good reason for that – I’ve been attempting to balance doing with being – an aspect of life […]