How to Master the Art of the Reverse Duck and Find Peace

Choose freedom over feeling frazzled

Tomorrow night, I’m going out with my friends to celebrate International Women’s Day 2025. I am looking forward to hearing the messages from guest speaker, tennis superstar, and all-round inspirational woman, Jelena Dokic. A little extra inspiration certainly wouldn’t go astray right now. While I will get “frocked up,” as Nan used to say, and […]

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Clichés, Compassion, Creativity and that other C-word

As restrictions start to ease, and a resemblance of normal life creeps back in, I contemplate how just like the bushfires, COVID-19 will be a time in our life that we never forget. We would all agree we’ve learned a great deal from the coronavirus and this experience, and it’s important we don’t forget those […]

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“I’m officially a podcaster!”

If anyone had told me that one day I would be a co-host on a podcast, I probably would’ve responded with a giant guffaw (aka belly laugh) then followed up with a snort! Ever since podcasts were created in 2004 (for those of you playing at home), it felt like a pipe dream. I knew […]

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Will you stop and smell the roses this spring?

Apart from my recent post about becoming a published author and my columns as Ask Sharon for The Area News, this is the first independent blog post I have done in 13 months…to the day! And there’s good reason for that – I’ve been attempting to balance doing with being – an aspect of life […]

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