Messages from the Soul Coaching Oracle Cards – Acceptance

Acceptance Card from Soal Coaching deck by Denise Linn

Acceptance Card from Soal Coaching deck by Denise Linn

Card Meaning:

Acceptance is a sacred act of power. Accept your light! Embrace all parts of yourself! Allow yourself to receive the gifts of the Universe. You’re worthy of these blessings and so much more. Your Soul wants you to know: At times it may be difficult to fully accept yourself exactly as you are. Yet when you don’t, you deny the divine part of you…your Soul. In truth, every experience that you’ve had – even the ones you thought weren’t good – allowed you to advance on your spiritual path. There were no wrong experiences. Everything that has occurred in your life has been part of a divine plan for your spiritual development as a Soul. If only you could see yourself as those in the spiritual realm do, you’d know how remarkable and wondrous you are. As you increase your acceptance, you’ll help others love and unconditionally be at peace with themselves. And the more that you accept yourself, the more fulfilment you will experience.


“I unconditionally accept, cherish, and love myself just as I am.”

Copyright by Denise Linn.

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