Unleash Your September Smile: Welcome to Joytember 2023!


Welcome back to the most heartwarming and uplifting time of the year – “Joytember!” A movement that began two years ago with the simple yet profound goal of spreading joy and positivity throughout the month of September. When I think back to where it all began in September 2021, and we were amidst some of […]

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“I’m Officially a YouTuber: How 9 Years of Blogging Paved the Path to Vlogging!”

From bestselling author to YouTuber, Sharon Halliday shares her journey and inspires you to share your voice and pursue your dreams.

As I sit down to reflect on the remarkable journey that began 9 years ago today with a simple blog post, I am overcome with a sense of gratitude and accomplishment. Little did I know back then that this would mark the start of an incredible adventure that would lead me to become a columnist, […]

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How SamCart Helped Me Change People’s Lives With Online Courses and Supercharge My Business

How online courses inspire us to transform our lives

There is a reason why the digital education market (including self-paced online courses) is currently estimated to be worth almost $20 billion USD. In fact, there are several reasons why online courses have become instrumental in improving our lives. Accessibility, Inclusivity and Cost-Effectiveness: Online courses have revolutionised education by breaking down barriers to learning by […]

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“I’m officially a course creator!”

Follow Your Dreams fortune cookie

We all have dreams. Some of us are just more prepared to admit it than others. For many of us, dreams start in childhood when we look up (metaphorically and literally) to the adults in our life that appear to have interesting jobs and vocations. The teacher, the firefighter, the mother – whatever role it […]

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