The Simplicity of a Sunrise

I had never felt so alive! After tossing and turning I had felt a strong urge to get up and go for a walk – it was 5:44am! Now to all those early risers, this might seem like no biggy but to a mum of a 1 and a 4 year old; the idea of a […]

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Messages from the Soul Coaching Oracle Cards – Simplicity

  Card Meaning: Do what matters; and release the rest to find peace, grace and stillness. Clear internal and external clutter. Your Soul Wants You to Know: One of the fastest ways to align with the tranquil vibration of the Creator is through simplicity. A busy life and the accumulation of more than you need […]

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“Mum, I want to go home!”

9:46pm Sunday 6th July, 2014 I wanted a night off from the messages; more specifically I wanted this night off from the messages. I had become accustomed to them emerging at all times of the day and night – when I was meant to be sleeping, when I was trying to enjoy a shower, when […]

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Connecting with Spirit

It was two years ago to the day that I received the following messages from the source. It seemed appropriate to post it today. “Itching and rearing to go but not willing to sit still enough, for long enough. This is the foundation you seek. This is the foundation you know you need to build […]

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