Messages from the Soul Coaching Oracle Cards – Simplicity


The simplicity card from Denise Linn's Soul Coaching deck highlights finding peace, grace and stillness

Simplicity Card from Denise Linn’s Soul Coaching deck.

Card Meaning:

Do what matters; and release the rest to find peace, grace and stillness. Clear internal and external clutter.

Your Soul Wants You to Know:

One of the fastest ways to align with the tranquil vibration of the Creator is through simplicity. A busy life and the accumulation of more than you need creates static; it can be difficult to hear the voice of God when there is mental chaos in your life. Create time to rest and rejuvenate. Clear the clutter in your home, the files in your computer and the drawers at work. Even a small amount of this cleansing can make an immense difference. Create a feeling of simplity and know God’s grace.


“Deep, profound serenity is expanding in my life!” 

Copyright to Denise Linn 2005.