Radiant Reiki


The Radiant Reiki service will provide an experience of deep relaxation and healing, easing life’s pain and problems. The result is a feeling of peace, calm, and vitality.


I have been a Reiki practitioner for more than 11 years, and in that time I have seen countless people receive healing and transformation that has changed the trajectory of their life.

People walk through my door with all sorts of pains and problems.

  • Physical conditions, disease, and illness
  • Mental fatigue and lack of motivation
  • Relationship issues
  • Unfulfilled at work
  • Frustration at the hum-drum of life
  • Lacking energy and enthusiasm
  • Unsure of their life purpose
  • …some even suicidal.

“Reiki is a non-invasive, gentle, yet powerful method of healing. Reiki energy, (described as ‘universal life energy’ or ‘spiritual energy’) which is accessed by the practitioner during a treatment, enhances the body’s natural healing ability and promotes wellbeing.”
A Guide to Reiki Treatment, Reiki Australia, Copyright 2012

During a session, I can clear your chakras (the seven energy centres of spiritual power in your body) and clear any cords along with heavy energy accumulated from traumas and negative conditioning. The best way I can describe cord clearings (sometimes referred to as cord-cuttings) is that it is a simple, yet powerful healing technique of removing and dissolving the emotional, energetic strands that have become attached to you. After all, everything is energy, and it’s not all positive.

You know that feeling when you walk into a room and you can tell there has been an argument, however, you have no proof, you can just sense that the ‘energy’ doesn’t feel right. Well…every time we have a negative situation, strands (like sticky webs) can keep us attached to those incidents, and even the people who were involved. Over time, these cords weigh us down causing us to feel lethargic and foggy.

We can also focus on a particular situation or person and clear away any negative energy leaving only peace and love. It feels miraculous, yet it has the power to be life-changing.


A powerful energy healing awaits.

It’s not surprising, that after a Reiki session, all of my clients report feeling at peace, lighter, and like a weight has lifted from them. There’s often a radiance and glow that comes from releasing any past issues that may have been weighing them down and holding them back.

Sometimes in a session, I am given messages from the other side, from deceased loved ones, which always brings peace and comfort to the client. I became a Certified Angel Intuitive in 2009, but I have been connecting and communicating with souls on the other side for close to 25 years. 

As licensed psychotherapist and spiritual medium, Kellee White, said in an interview for Oprah Daily:

There is no such thing as death. There is only a transition from the physical being to the spiritual being…and mediums are sensitive and intuitive enough to hear, feel, and see information coming from the other side.

So now I offer my Reiki, clairvoyant, and cord-clearing services together as a combination. I have found that my clients really love receiving the positive and powerful energy of a Reiki session, knowing that I am able to clear their energy so they can regain a sense of optimism and positivity in their life.

The best part is the client gets to take time out and relax (some even have a little sleep on the table) and I get to send energy healing to the parts of their mind, body, and spirit that needs it the most.

Generally, people feel deeply relaxed, calm, and also revitalised. People who have specific questions or are searching for guidance in any area of their life gain clarity and direction. Yet, there can be so much more to gain from a session. Suddenly, people notice synchronicities, they often receive unexpected abundance, and they feel more gratitude in their life.

Improve your life with a Reiki healing

You can learn more about how I do my Reiki sessions here.

Otherwise, purchase my Radiant Reiki service and send a text to 0419 217 112 and I’ll schedule your 1-hour session.


Take a break from life…this time is just for you.


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