Broaden your horizons and see where it takes you

Why stepping out of your comfort zone and taking care of yourself go hand in hand

There is something wild and wondrous that occurs when you step up and step out into the world.

When you announce your grand goals and big dreams, at first you feel completely exposed and vulnerable. Then what happens is something takes over. It’s a force that allows you to connect with the deeper part of who you are and what you came here to do.

That has been my experience since releasing my blog to the world eight years ago. It became my experience again recently when I participated in the iAccelerate program where I was given an opportunity to broaden my horizons and pitch my latest business idea to a panel of judges from industry, government, and education. The idea I pitched is an online writing course to help aspiring authors who want to write a nonfiction book by overcoming procrastination and developing productive writing habits. (Watch this space…it’s coming soon!)

Some of my closest friends and family didn’t even know what I was working on. And although there is always a nervousness at the prospect of stepping out, it quickly turns into the energy of excitement. It’s almost like you put on a cloak of confidence and you become the person you need to be to achieve your goal.

follow your dreams encourages author sharon halliday

The ironic thing is that the more I have learned to embrace putting myself out there by honouring my calling and sharing what I want to do, the more that I have learned to place myself and my needs centre stage. Every time I step out of my comfort zone, I feel compelled to go on an inner journey and look within. Because you can’t actually do the big things, the grand things, unless you are taking care of yourself at the same time. Self-care has to become a non-negotiable, otherwise, the only result you will get is a big old case of burnout. Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt.

It has always been an important part of my ethos to walk the talk. So, I only share with others–my clients, my friends, and my subscribers–the philosophies, practices, and props that I use in my daily life. After many years, I have re-discovered just how crucial it is to nurture myself and place myself at the top of my list…not as an afterthought like I see so many women doing day in and day out. I know, I was one of them. You go through your day with every good intention of getting to that exercise, that walk, that yoga class, that five minutes to yourself with a book and a cuppa. And it doesn’t happen…at least not by itself. The only way it happens is to prioritise it and schedule it.

This week, during my beach walk, I posted a picture and added the words:

Decide what moments are important and prioritise them. Yes, it’s that simple!

author sharon halliday says prioritise important moments

As I’ve made myself a priority, it has fuelled my energy to go forward with confidence, to step out and step into my own inner power.

Now more than ever, it’s important for us to honour the most important relationship we’ll ever have–the one we have with ourselves. Without that nothing else matters.

I understand that it’s easy for us to get caught up in the busyness of this world–the chaos, the sometimes chaotic, crazy, and convoluted world–to take over our lives…if we let it. It’s up to us to simplify our lives for ourselves. No one is going to step in and do that on our behalf, and at the same time, it’s also up to us to get on with whatever we came here to do. Most likely, you will instinctively know what that is. You may need to take some quiet time in silence and solitude to get in touch with it, but I guarantee you, it’s in there. Some people only need to think back to when they were a kid to revive their purpose.

life purpose questions what are your dreams goals skills and passions

So, on this eight-year anniversary of my blog, I ask you where you can allow yourself to be vulnerable. Maybe you can tell a friend your dream or goal that you’re working on, someone you trust who supports and encourages you. Because what will happen is a spark will ignite in you.

No longer will that quiet dream stay hidden, and ideas will begin to take shape.

Out of the blue, someone will tell you something, you’ll come across a book or audio, you will feel inspired, and you’ll experience synchronistic moments showing you where you need to go next. Your path will light up and doors will open. It will seem miraculous, but what has happened is you have embraced a new part of yourself just by verbalising it aloud to one other person. There is great power in that. By sharing your burning desire with someone else, your subconscious begins to guide you toward taking action.

We have ideas, goals, and dreams for a reason. They don’t just appear to mess with your head and heart. We think that by achieving our aspirations we will be happier. But it’s bigger than that. We all came to Earth with gifts, talents, and a purpose. We all have something special to offer the world whether it be helping, creating, or contributing. It doesn’t matter what it is, if it’s important to you, then it’s important to do. And that’s enough.

So, I encourage you to step out of your comfort zone today. Find that trusted, supportive person, and by letting them know your idea you’re on your way. And who knows where it will take you…at least you won’t die wondering.

Broaden your horizons and see where it takes you

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